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Hearthstone Inn Hotel and Suites

Hearthstone Inn & Suites

We strongly recommend that users of the acclaimed Ohio Bike Trail system stay in shape at home, especially during the "off" season!  The Ohio-To-Erie Trail itself is comprised of 326 miles of delightful, enjoyable, and refreshing adventure!  Much of our system is paved, and relatively level from Columbus south.

We recommend that you use a stationary bike, elliptical, or even a rower to keep that cardio going!  For a great online program, designed for regular folks and active adults, we recommend BitGym.  No coaching pressure, no "leaderboard", and amazing virtual travels around-the-world, right from your own home!
Go to for full information.

BitGym users may access the current BitGym Exercise Sessions Guide right HERE
We continuously update this guide as new sessions are added. Stay in shape, and have fun!  See you on the Ohio-To-Erie Trail!